
Why Isn’t Anyone Coming to My Website?

Why Isn’t Anyone Coming to My Website?

Nevermind click through ratio or conversion rates, struggling to get anyone to visit your website in the first place is a challenge within itself. Without the traffic your website needs to be profitable, it cannot and will not – it really is as simple as that.

Until you know what’s going on, you can’t expect to do anything about it. Technically speaking, there may be hundreds of reasons why no one is coming to your website, but more often than not it’s one of several common problems.

You’ve Used Too Many Keywords

If you’ve gone above and beyond with the keywords, your chances of appearing in the search results are pretty low. Unlike the golden days of the interwebs, search engine bots can detect keyword overusage and will punish your site accordingly. Even if you do manage to pull an okie-doke on Google, visitors that land on your pages will leave just as fast as they came.

You Don’t Have A Social Media Presence

I’m not the biggest fan of social media (ironic, I know), but ignoring it’s power and importance is something I don’t do. These days, social media can funnel volumes of targeted web traffic to your website, so you cannot afford to ignore it. If you do, you can wave goodbye to a bunch of visitors willing engage with your company.

Your Website Doesn’t Have A Blog

Research reinforces the idea that businesses that post and regularly update articles attract exponentially more leads than those that don’t. Additionally, by consistently adding new and relevant content to your site, your website will stand out in the ranks of major search engines. Websites with more than 300 pages indexed drive approximately 236% more traffic on average compared to those with less than 300 indexed pages.

Your Website Isn’t Professional

Let’s make no mistakes, the average website visitor will not consider a business with a website that doesn’t look professional. Getting away with a subpar website shouldn’t be a part of your online marketing plan, so take a step back and focus on first impressions.

Your Website Is Too Slow

Anyone who knows me, knows how patient I can be. But I, like many others, simply will not wait for your website to load. As a matter of fact, you have about three seconds for your website page to load before your visitor backs out.

Your Website Isn’t Being Promoted

Last but not obviously not least, while a website may represent a marketing tool in its own right, you have to promote your website as aggressively as possible. Using both conventional and digital marketing techniques, promoting the value and presence of your website will hugely impact traffic volume to your website.

Contact us today if you want to know “Why isn’t anyone coming to my website?”.